Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Christine's first smile caught on camera

God bless the person who invented all these great baby toys that keep baby happy and let mommy get some stuff done...for a change. Christine's bouncer is in our bathroom because I found that having it there is a fabulous way to get a LONG shower...for a change. And don't even get me started on the swing! As far as I'm concerned I could not make it without the swing. Sometimes on the weekend we can put her in it right after she has her first feeding of the day and she'll go right back to sleep for at least another hour and half...and mommy can get another hour or so of sleep and feel like she's sleeping in...for a change. =) But recently Christine got big enough to use her jump-a-roo and I love this thing for a whole new kind of reason. Last weekend she was having so much fun in it that I FINALLY caught a smile in a picture.

She had so much fun she almost put herself to sleep in it. Can I hear a collective "awwwwww"?

We realized her first tooth was coming in later this same day. Pictures of that soon...

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