Thursday, August 13, 2009

Boo Boo Report

Poor baby........

We have officially reached the dangerous stage of a mobile baby's life. Christine had her first "Boo Boo Report" sent home with her from day care today. Little Miss Thing fell face first into the toy shelves and got her first black eye. Doesn't she look like a little boxer in her hooded towel? =) She seemed to be in a good mood as always when I picked her up, but let me tell you....Momma was pretty upset about it. My 8 month old has a dang black eye. And we have a baby shower to go to this weekend! UGH!!! I hope this isn't a regular thing. She's too cute for bruises.

I promise people, we don't beat this cutie pie!

Friday, August 7, 2009


Christine said her first word...."Mama!"... last night at the dinner table. This picture was taken right after the big moment. Well, that's when I heard it for the first time at least. Matt had taken her to a follow up appointment at her pediatrician's office to see if her ear infections cleared up and he heard her say it a few times while they were waiting for the doctor to come into the exam room. He said he wasn't sure at first if she said it on purpose or was just babbling, but he started asking her if she wanted Mommy and she looked at him as if she was in deep thought and a few seconds later she would say it again. At dinner last night she said it once pretty clearly as I was "shoveling" some baby food into her mouth which kind of cut her off. But it was so exciting to hear and when she saw the excitement on my face she said it again. Before we knew it all we heard was, "Mama, Mama, Mama...." She was so proud of herself....and so was Mommy and Daddy. And we really think she knows what she was saying because when we got close to the end of her baby food she started to get full and her sweet "Mama" turned into "MaaaMaa!" as if she was saying "enough baby food!" LOL She's such a little diva already. Do you think that's a foreshadowing of what we have to look forward to in about 14 years? She's growing up so fast! And we love every second of it!

Oh....and the ear infections are all clear! YAY!!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

It's been busy...

...Sorry it's been way too long since my last post. Christine's started crawling, she's got 4 teeth now, and she's babbling like CRAZY. Watching her grow is so much fun! Here are some pictures of her first 4th of July.

My mom brought her a swimming pool to the lake house. I wasn't planning on letting her "swim" this summer so I wasn't prepared with a swim suit for all she wore was her 4th of July hat and a smile.

Napping in the hammock.

We had a great 4th of July this year. Grandpa's famous ribs were on hand as always. And watching everyone's fireworks show around the lake was as entertaining as we have come to expect. Too bad for Miss Christine that they all happened after her bed time. Maybe next year...